Saturday, 17 May 2014

why? Admit God's restrictions without finding Reason?

you ever noticed that when you play the games like I.G.I or Vice City we behave like brutes.
   we never hesitate or think single time to kill anybody. Of course,it is a game. But, we feel happy i our heart. WE play once, twice,thrice and so on.
What if it happen in our real life. We are told that you are free to do anything without any punishment. Then I dont think this world may survive for long time.
Same way God has Restricted to some matters. we cant go beyond those limits. these are for us to live a happy life. There is a mind working behind every thing that is happening in this world or will happen in the future.
God loves us. He wanted us to live a pretty life. He dont want to punish us. We should respect his decision. We should admit us as his creature. 
We should admit that we have certain limitations.
we dont know the future. Just follow the right path.  Dont go for logic for simple rules made by GOD. Do what he says. Care about others so that other people may care you.
Love each other.

Friday, 16 May 2014

Why? Sometime A simple thing, Makes Us crazy and Very complicated.

Our Mind is much much better than computer. But, there are some limitations of it.
there is a concept of mind state or mind set. What it means? Preparing mind for something that is going to happen.
Same way it has its state. just like the Laptop when it is at high performance. When our mind is at high performance. it start working at that state. When we are thinking about the complexity of the problems we indulge in it too much that we cant think of the simple logic.
For Instance,  When we are solving a complex circuit. we skip basic points and we confuse in its complexity too much that we cant even think main kirchoff's law and at the end we come to know that how simple it was?
A person giving an interview to some big company will take long time to tell his name. than his friend ask him.
 and even a plus, minus question will be much confusing for him . just, because he is taking it in a complex way.
we see people going on outing we they work for a long time. and rest in the working hour's reason is only to get our mind at their initial position. same with the power nap.