Saturday, 25 April 2015

Magic Car( Adventruous special car)

Sometime while traveling on slack roads our car stuck in some dump or mud unless applying man  power to get rid of that place. That usually results in wastage of time or we can make our clothes dirty etc etc.
I have devised one way to get rid of this problem using my favorite physics rules to be more accurate center of gravity of the cars to lift all the weight of the car on a hinge or high factor of safety rod that should be able to lift all the weight on it.
We can use this technique to make our car more adventurous and human friendly….  

It makes our life Easy Hi hi….

Thursday, 2 April 2015

It is easy to decide between right and wrong but difficult to when you have to choose between two rights or two wrongs.

It is 85% that we usually have to choose between right and wrong and we think that it is always; and consider that decision making is simplest thing ever; so we give no importance to decision making. Many projects, constructions, fabrications and many other task’s mismanagement starts from very beginning and they carry it to the end.
It is human psychology that when there are too much choices for a person then he get confused and unhappy at the end. Because, he will think after taking the decision that if he would have taken the other way he probably would got more profit and so on. The same thing if he left with no choice but one, then even he got loss in business he will be happy with himself at least by saying that there was no other choice.

Same thing when you want to see a movie. It is much easy to decide one when there is only one movie you have than when there are ten movies and you have to choose one. And if you see one and you don’t like it. You will be cursing yourself that you chose the wrong one but instead if you have one you don’t have to say anything to yourself.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Creativity Vs Fear and Children creativity vs Adults Creativity

It is the thought of the people today that Children are more creative than adults; but it is just observation of the people. And to some extent it is true. But we never even bother to think that why this is true. While looking at the children this analogy seem to be a bit understandable.
They don’t know results of what they are doing or they want to know it too. They live in fantasy world; their heroes are mother and father and their enemies are people who tease them (they can be their cousin, brother or uncle). They do whatever they want to do and they live in world just like cartoon and animated movies where nothing is impossible one can jump from sky and still smiling and one can fly in the air without wings. Just like that they do the things and they share whatever they have in their mind.

But when adult comes then they know the consequences. They know what will happen if this action will be taken. They come out of the world of fantasy. They know man can’t fly etc. So, they adopt the “Be very careful” approach.  And at that point they lack the creativity. Because, creativity is the thing that resides at place where there is no fear of failure or worries and at that point children take lead from adults.

“If you want to be a creative person then just do it no matter you pass or fail.”